Dr. Kim Ozano
Research Director
Kim has vast experience in generating evidence, designing, delivering, and evaluating projects and programmes at community, sub-national and national levels in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the UK. She has worked collaboratively with: Governments - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), NHS and local councils and international governments at all levels Global health partnerships and consortia - WHO, Health Systems Global, UNDP, ARISE, COUNTDOWN Research institutions - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Limerick, Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) in Guatemala, Liverpool John Moores University among others. NGOs - Save the Children, VSO, Partnering to Save Lives Kim Ozano has worked collaboratively to implement research using a variety of co-production research paradigms including ‘Community Based Participatory Research’ (CBPR), ‘Participatory Action (PAR) Research’ and ‘Quality improvement’ (QI) cycles. She is passionate about ensuring that the values and principles associated with participatory research are meaningful and trustworthy through the facilitation of more equitable partnerships and embedded knowledge exchange. She has developed high quality outputs including peer reviewed publications, national strategy documents, policy briefs, training manuals, learning packs and multimedia. Her passion for understanding how people and communities connect with research and science led to her designing and launching the podcast ‘Connecting Citizens to Science’, together with Beatrice Egid.